
Custom Asset Libraries

From my learning of Blender, I’ve found I’m re-using assets between different projects quite a bit, so I was looking for a way to package certain assets so I can create them once and use (and update) them everywhere. Blender has pretty decent support for this, I’ve found.

An Asset Library lets you share assets across all of your Blender projects, which scratches the itch in my brain perfectly. I’ll be able to build-up a library of assets and pull them together into new projects quickly.

One limitation seems to be with the ‘collection’ assets, they don’t seem to be a perfect copy - such as the Orc Male asset I added, posing and editing is unavailable until I CTRL+A to ‘make instances real’ - but most of the scripted functionality (like checkboxes and sliders for rig customization) is gone.

I may just continue to use the blend file directly for more complex models.